Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My day so far..

Sorry i havent written inna long time =S busy with my exams..
Well,today i had art and computer..Art was kinda ridiculous! it was 5 pages long, 10 multiple questions and 1 essay on art Dadaism, Impressionism,Pop Art, Post Expressionism, Surrealism and Cubilism
I chose Impressionism.. Hey, there we're 3 multiple questions on it okkay...
And it was freaking TWO hours! But Mr.Oo came in and changed it to 1 hour phew >=)
Everyone finished in like. 25 minutes.. and ppl were writing and doodling on test pads etc.
Computer was.. okkay.. not hard not easy.. ( i got 74%!!)
It was also friggin 2 hours!Lol, but it was changed also to one hour..~
But FINALLY! 2nd Term Exam is, O.V.E.R!Yesss!!
So far, i have 4 results..Geography, English, Computer and Maths..
I was 2nd highest 4 Geo!! at 90%!!
3rd for english at 47/50 ( 2nd is 48/50 and 1st is at 49/50)
74% for Computer and
47.5/70 for maths, but it's not confirmed cuz teacher still has to add homework/classwork/attendance etc still~
But yay! Exam's Over!!!

Right, about my Cbox, Mason was pretending to be me.. so yeah.. pfft
But i was talking too... so.. it can be confusing..

Yes, this post is VERY colourful, at least to me..lol
I'm just bored.. so yeah.. u get it..

I'll uh.. post something else later if i remember something ;)


btw, it's Michael's Birthday today!! Happy Birthday to you......etc etc.. =)


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