Wednesday, April 23, 2008


no seriously, O.U.C,H
MY feet are KILLING me..i cant walk without limping,. sigh

So after running 8 x 50m(last minute, as a sub) and running around trying to find other runners, and walking around with my friends, i went to watch tug-o-war,, GO HELANG! but my throat hurts a teensy lil bit.
Then, i went with my friends through the scorching sun and muddy/wet field to the high jump.. wow.. go Catherine man.. even though Im not Harimau..oh well..

After that, i washed my shoes, which still stink right now, and went to watch Helang Cheras Cheerleading!
i love it~

After watching cheerleading, i went CHINESE DRUMS.. yes.. we finished at 5.45, i went to my car and COLLAPSED.. yeah..
but hey, there were more people who were more tired than me i guess..
Like David, Tug-o-war
Syazana,Najiha, Harimau Cheerleading
Bernard, Running a lot~
Naqueeb, Running, n hurt his leg

etc..( yes, im only putting the Chinese Drummers)

so now i'm lying on my bed, typing this and listening to What Dreams are Made Of.. yeah.. that

Oh, i met Miyuki again.. =) loved her hair..! so yeah.. happy lah..
Emma too! Chopblock! whoo!!

sigh.. I guess i'll just end this post now.. i cant think of anything else to say.. =S



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